After a warm February that looked like Spring was in the air. We have been overwhelmed by a wintery, windy and cold March. The vegetation has stopped its growth for a little while and we can’t blame it. We could define it as a “Crazy weather” but we are aware that the fault isn’t in the climate but it’s just in the human being that handled the ground and its fruits without any discretion and heart.This is the result.
That’s the reason why here at Villa Saletta we are trying day by day with all our strength to build on a solid balance between production and environments and we are fully committed to carry on a virtuous ecosystem. Diversification of the different cultivation, keep in good health the woodland, use of renewable energies with a less impact, try to work the land in a natural way: these are some of the bases of our business philosophy.
In the vineyard we are living the reborn of the vegetation and we are proceeding with the soil preparation by processing it and with the deep manuring. These works are not only for the vines but also for poplar and olive trees. The green manure birth is slowly on going but we are confident and certain that in a few weeks it will blossom and color in an incredible way our lands. In the vineyard we are starting with the new plants binding and the piling: we basically bind the new shoots to a support so they can grow strong and powerful.
We are not twiddling our thumbs in the cellar, like in the agriculture there’s always something to do. We are working on the filtration and we are creating the blends of the 2019. that will be bottled in the second part of the year and that make us believe in a very good vintage.